From the ancient Egypt to the afterlife, these are 5 mysteries never be solved
We consider a great deal of paranormal phenomena and mysteries of the unexplained here. There are many such mysteries that have puzzled us all. Through ongoing research, however, we are likely one day to understand many of them. Quite conceivably we will understand how telepathy and precognition work. Bigfoot could be captured next year. We might even discover an explanation for ghost and haunting phenomena. But there are some enduring mysteries to which we may never get the answers:
The astonishing pyramids of Giza, Egypt stand as monuments of ancient man's remarkable engineering skills. Yet, no one is sure exactly how they were built. Their method of construction has been one of the most enduring mysteries of human achievement. There is no conclusive evidence in ancient Egyptian writing or carvings that tell us how they were built. This lack of record has spawned dozens of theories, from the practical to the fantastic.

Traditionalists contend that they were built over decades by massive numbers of laborers, pulling the enormous blocks of stone on wooden sleds up a series of earthen ramps. Again, there is no definitive proof for this theory.
Others who stand in awe of these remarkable constructions say that no amount of human labor could have hauled these massive stones - some weighing several tons - to such great heights and fitted them together with such impressive precision. The Egyptians must have possessed some technology that has been lost to history, they say. Perhaps they knew how to levitate the great stones with anti-gravity devices. Or perhaps they had help from extraterrestrials.
A relatively recent theory is that some of the large blocks, mainly the ones used at the higher levels, were actually poured in place using a kind of limestone concrete.
Why we may never know. We have no definitive evidence. The secret of the pyramids may be lost to history.
The only way we'll know is…. The debate about how the great Egyptian pyramids were built will rage indefinitely. The only way the mystery will be solved is if some ancient writing or artifact from the period of their construction is unearthed that unambiguously depicts the method of building.
Something crashed on William "Mac" Brazel's ranch in June or July of 1947. Exactly what it was is still unknown for sure. Many UFO researchers are fairly certain that it was a flying saucer - a vehicle piloted by extraterrestrials. The U.S. military insists it wasn't; it was something of theirs.

The Roswell case - arguably the most famous UFO incident of all time - is too convoluted to be detailed here. An Internet search will bring you a wealth of information. But what is known for certain is that something did crash there in the summer of 1947 and that the military, led by Roswell Army Air Field Major Jesse Marcel, arrived to clean it up. What made anyone think that it was a UFO? Well, that's what the military itself initially stated it was! In a press release dated July 8, the Army said: ""The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff's office of Chaves County."
Of course, the military later recanted and admitted that it was just a downed weather balloon. But then in the 1990s they said it was actually debris from the top-secret Project Mogul - balloon-borne equipment designed to detect Soviet nuclear tests.
Research by investigators such as Stanton Friedman and others, which included interviews with Mac Brazel, Jesse Marcel and his family, and many others in the Roswell area, led them to conclude that not only did an extraterrestrial craft crash there, but that the bodies of the aliens were recovered - one of whom may have survived.
Why we may never know. The Roswell incident has become so mired in rumor, questionable "eyewitnesses," hyperbole, deception, and the military's multiple and contradictory explanations that we may never know the truth. The problem is, no hard evidence has yet been presented. There is intriguing circumstantial evidence and some compelling anecdotal evidence, not the least of which is the Army's initial claim that it was indeed a flying saucer.
The only way we'll know is…. At this point, the only resolution to the mystery will probably have to come from the US military. They have come up with so many stories about Roswell so far that it's hard to believe them… but if they can produce the wreckage of the saucer and the alien bodies, we'll know for sure.
The Philadelphia Experiment is like the Roswell incident in that it may have been a secret military operation that because of its secrecy has generated a whole shipload of conspiracy theories, contradictory stories and outrageous tall tales.
According to the legend, if we can call it that, in 1943 the US Navy conducted an experiment that involved the destroyer USS Eldridge. The secret experiment wired the Eldridge with powerful electromagnetic equipment that when switched on would render the ship invisible. Not just invisible to radar, like a stealth ship, but invisible to sight. The theory was that the strong electromagnetism would bend light around the ship, effectively making it disappear.

Did it happen? The vacuum created by the Navy's lack of documentation about the experiment (whatever it was) was filled with creative stories. Not only was the Eldridge rendered invisible, one story goes, it was actually briefly teleported from the naval shipyards in Philadelphia to a naval base in Norfolk, Virginia! Not only that, the unfortunate crew was affected in horrendous ways, from going stark raving mad to finding their bodies embedded in the steel bulkhead of the ship!
Such tales fire the imagination and, by some crazy sense of logic to some, are so outrageous that they must be true. That military is always up to something! A more plausible explanation about the experiment is that the goal was to degauss the ship, so that it would not be so attractive to mines and torpedoes. Or that it was to be invisible only to radar. Or that the equipment was intended to heat the air and water around the ship to create a fog in which the ship could hide.
Why we may never know. There is far less credible evidence - circumstantial, anecdotal or otherwise - for the most fanciful claims about the Philadelphia Experiment than there is for the Roswell incident. There are few witnesses who claim the stories are true, but then the conspiracy theorists say that the rest of the witnesses have been threatened or brainwashed to conceal the truth. And, of course, the Navy is just covering it up. Like most such cases, you can't prove that it didn't happen, even though there's virtually no evidence that it did.
The only way we'll know is…. Only full disclosure by the US Navy will put the matter to rest. But if they haven't done so sixty years after the fact, will they ever?
Will we ever get to the bottom of crop circles? Are they all manmade? Or are there other unexplained forces involved in their creation?
I suspect that most crop glyphs are probably manmade. The so-called circlemakers have demonstrated quite convincingly that they can stomp down amazingly intricate patterns in crop fields using simple tools and detailed planning. So people can make them. Even long-time crop circle researcher Colin Andrews admitted that he believes 80 percent of crop circles are manmade.

What about that nagging 20 percent, however? There are qualities of some crop glyphs that seem to defy the man made explanation:
Huge, complicated glyphs are formed in an impossibly short span of time.
Enigmatic changes in the plants, which cannot be accounted for simply by stomping them down, including: elongated and blown-out nodes; increased plant size and crop yield; cellular changes; and altered seeds.
Other strange effects have been reported within "genuine" crop circles, including: effects on equipment; unusual electromagnetic measurements; unexplained sounds; drying out and changes to the soil; dizziness and other physiological effects claimed by researchers.
So if some are not manmade, who or what is making them? Extraterrestrials have been blamed, of course, although no compelling explanation has been offered for what the aliens' intention might be. The Earth itself is creating them, some contend, as a way of trying to communicate with humans that they are not being good caretakers of the planet. If so, Earth's symbolic message is unclear at best.
Perhaps it's the military that's responsible again. Perhaps they have the ability to create these complex patterns via high-intensity microwaves beamed down from computer-controlled satellites. Maybe, but again - why?
Why we may never know. Human circlemakers can certainly prove that they have created glyphs that they have been involved with, if they wanted to. But can they prove that they have created all of them? If the Earth or aliens are responsible, they're not likely to admit it. And if it's the military, they are unlikely to reveal the technology.
The only way we'll know is…. I'm not sure how we'll ever know, unless the circlemakers really do document every glyph they make and perhaps explain how all the anomalies occur. Or unless the military conducts a public demonstration of that satellite.
This is the big question. The one that has puzzled humankind since we have been able to contemplate such things.
Is there life after death? Where do we go? Is there a literal Heaven and Hell? Do we go to another dimension? Another planet? Or do we just blink out and cease to exist?
There is no hard, scientific evidence for life after death. But there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence that our spirits – our energy, our souls, or whatever it is that makes us who we are – survive death in some other plane of existence. There are the thousands upon thousands of ghost reports, recorded since the beginning of human history, the most compelling of which are the encounters with recently deceased loved ones who appear to relatives to assure that they are well and happy in their new lives.

Then there are the near-death experiences in which people who have clinically died are revived. They report having been transported through a tunnel of light to another existence where they meet loved ones who have passed on, as well as, in some cases, religious figures. Did they experience life after death firsthand?
And there are the many remarkable cases of reincarnation. Are they evidence for life after death?
Why we may never know. As compelling as we may find the reports of ghosts, near-death experience and reincarnation, we must admit that they are not proof. We can consider the sheer number and consistency of them as evidence, but they are not conclusive proof.
The only way we’ll know is…. When we die. And it’s inevitable – we’ll all find out sooner or later.
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